Frescoryl Dentifrice naturel à croquer s'utilisant sans EAU

The Limited Summer Edition is Here !

For the first time, FRESCORYL launches three new products as part of a “Limited Edition,” testing innovative, eco-friendly packaging with a clear goal: Zero Waste!

Discover them in our store:

  • The round box with 20 toothpaste tablets, perfect for small bags, short trips, or as a refill for your FRESCORYL supply.
  • The glass jar with a metal lid containing 80 toothpaste tablets, ideal for three daily oral hygiene routines—used with or without a toothbrush and always without rinsing. During the summer holidays, it's essential to save our most precious resource: WATER.
  • The metal jar with 120 chewable toothpaste tablets, perfect for family vacations or trips with friends. This XXL format is designed for sharing (one product for everyone). The FRESCORYL team chose a robust, lightweight material offering optimal protection for the tablets. Brushing your teeth without water, anytime, anywhere, even in extreme conditions, is no longer a challenge!

Wherever you are this summer, enjoy your holidays with FRESCORYL.
For clean teeth and fresh breath without WATER or WASTE.
Have a great summer, everyone!


Un dentifrice innovant sans eau ni brosse

Frescoryl, dentifrice naturel à croquer, sans eau ni brosse, s’utilise n’importe où, n’importe quand. Il vient en complément du brossage traditionnel.
Il ne comporte ni fluor, ni paraben et rafraîchit l’haleine.